The UK Academy for Information Systems was established in 1994 to foster a better understanding of the Information Systems field within the UK. We provide a forum for discussing issues in IS teaching and research and lobby professional/policy bodies on behalf of our field, such as HEFCE, the UK Research Councils, UK business and Government. There is a conference every year, normally held in Oxford, which is preceded by a PhD consortium.
- to promote improved knowledge and understanding of information systems and
- to improve the practice of information systems teaching and research.
The Academy is a charity which supports the initiatives proposed by its members. It conducts its work by means of task forces and special interest groups. These groups may be formed with the advice and consent of the Academy’s Board in accordance with the aims of the Academy.
All administration is the responsibility of the President (for a list of past Presidents click here). He or she will also chair the Annual General Meeting of the Academy. The Academy’s Board will consist of the president, vice president and elected members. The Board is responsible for matters of policy.
UKAIS is committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). For more information about EDI, please click here.
Board members
Role | Description/Responsibilities |
President Dr. Oliver Kayas | Chair Board meetings/AGM; manage board members and roles; liaise directly with Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary; Represent UKAIS at national and international events (academic, industry and policymaking). |
Vice-President Efpraxia Zamani | Plan a strategy for internationalisation. Manage and receive reports from Board members responsible for internationalisation, events and social media. Report to UKAIS President. Represent UKAIS at national and international events (academic, industry and policymaking); |
Treasurer ABI HOPKINS | General financial oversight of the organisation (income v outgoings), financial reporting to the wider board, processing of all payments, oversight of the bank accounts and PayPal account. Ensuring robust financial controls are in place and working with accountants to ensure annual returns are submitted appropriately and P&L reports are submitted to the AGM. |
Secretary DR YUANYUAN LAI | Keep UKAIS shared folder up to date; manage UKAIS email correspondence; keep minutes of Board meetings; liaise with website officer to set up online elections |
Mentoring Officer DR OLIVER KAYAS | Keep record of mentees and mentors; prepare and disseminate Call for Mentors – no deadline |
Research Lead PROF LAURENCE BROOKS | Prepare and disseminate Call for Research Funding (Deadline May 31); collect and assess funding applications; communicate with applicants and liaise with successful applicants on the allocation of funds and their responsibilities to UKAIS (i.e. to attend and present at a UKAIS conference their research results) UKAIS 2024 Conference Programme co-Chair |
Teaching Lead DR MARIA KUTAR | Prepare and disseminate Call for Research Funding (Deadline July 31); collect and assess funding applications; communicate with applicants and liaise with successful applicants on the allocation of funds and their responsibilities to UKAIS (i.e. to attend and present at a UKAIS conference their research results) Organise at least one teaching innovation event (in person or online as appropriate) |
AIS Library Liaison and Membership System Coordinator PROF GUY FITZGERALD | Upload Full Conference papers to e-AIS library (within one month of the Conference) Revisit membership system and make appropriate changes as needed. |
Head of Event Organisation DR DIMITRA PETRAKAKI | To develop and maintain an active UKAIS presence through events; UKAIS only events as well as joint events with other research centres, partners and academies/associations. Liaise directly with Regional Event coordinator/organiser and Phd/ECR representative to ensure that there is a constant flow of events during the academic year and which represent the interests of UKAIS members (e.g PhDs, ECRs, regional and international members). Liaise with website officer and social media coordinator for dissemination of these events |
Event Coordinator/organiser– Regional DR GUOQING ZHAO | As above – with an emphasis on regional events, e.g., Wales, Scotland, NI, England; Liaise with PhD/ECR representative and Head of Event organisation to ensure events represent the interests of our community. |
Website Officer DR HONGLEI LI | Keep UKAIS up to date with events, photos, news; liaise with other members with news item; the website to be updated at least once a week as appropriate |
Social Media & communications officer DR PADDY BUCKLEY | Develop and maintain an active social media presence, promote UKAIS events, UKAIS conference, make announcements of interest to UKAIS community (e.g. job adverts, research opportunities etc). |
Internationalisation Officer DR JUN HWA (JACKY) CHEAH | To actively develop and maintain partnerships with academies and institutions around the globe; organise joint events both in person and online as appropriate |
PhD and ECR Representative EMMANUEL CHIKEZIE | To actively engage with the PhD and ECR members and organise events both in person and online specifically for PhD and ECR members. |