
27 October 2023    
10:00 - 13:00


Bookings closed


Royal Holloway University of London
BEDSQ-1-01. Bedford Square, 11 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3RF

UK Academy for Information Systems

PhD Networking Event with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Informatics

October 27, 2023  – London


Time: 10:00 to 13:00

Location: Royal Holloway University of London, London Campus

Room: BEDSQ-1-01,

Address: Bedford Square, 11 Bedford Square,  WC1B 3RF, London

Underground station: Tottenham Court Road


Facilitators: Prof Niki Panteli (Lancaster University/NTNU & UKAIS President) and Dr Yuanyuan Lai (RHUL & UKAIS Secretary)


Welcome & Introductions

# Name Topic Time
1 Amagyei, Nana Kwame Data Curation as a Collective Practice in a Data- Driven World 10:00 – 10-15
2 Crivellari, Ilaria Sustainable Digital Transformation in the Public Sector 10:15 -10:30
3 Grøder, Charlotte Husom Early Stage Implementation of AI: A study from the Welfare Sector 10:30 -10:45
4 Sokolaj, Ursula Smart City e-participation and Social Sustainability 10:45 – 11:00
5 Jaradat, Bashira Integration of Sustainability Cases in Higher Computing Education 11:00 -11:15
6 Lorenz, Emanuel Alexander Ecologically Valid Multimodal Assessment of Cortical Proprioceptive Processing 11:15 -11:30
  BREAK   11:30 – 12:00
7 Rayen Chang  Incentives and controls: Building a FinTech platform for enhancing young adults’ financial well-being 12:00-12:15
8  Lei Yuan ‘Generative AI in the Workplace: A Dive into Employee Acceptance in China’ 12:15-12:30
9 – TBC 12:30-12:45
  FINAL COMMENTS   12:45  -13:00


If you are a PhD student UKAIS member and are interested in taking part in this event, please contact Emmanuel  Chikezie (UKAIS Phd Rep): e.chikezie@tees.ac.uk


Bookings are closed for this event.