UKAIS is delighted to invite Professor Danat Valizade, Professor of Quantitative Employment Research at University of Leeds and Co-Investigator of the ESRC-funded Centre Digital Futures at Work (Digit) to discuss ‘The scale and challenges of employer adoption of AI-enabled digital technology: Representative evidence from the UK’.
The seminar will be held on zoom on the 7th of May at 1pm, details below.
All welcome. Please circulate to your networks.
‘The scale and challenges of employer adoption of AI-enabled digital technology: Representative evidence from the UK’.
Danat Valizade, Professor of Quantitative Employment Research, University of Leeds
Contemporary academic and policy debates assume that digital technologies, in the form of automation, artificial intelligence, platforms or algorithmic management, will have a profound effect on businesses and the organisation of work in the years to come. Yet, there is a lack of representative evidence concerning the extent to which employers adopt such innovative forms of digital technologies and whether they have a sizeable effect on employers’ attitudes, behaviour and human resource management strategies. This is a key piece of evidence that we need to collect if we want to understand how digitalisation will impact work in the future.
This talk will present emerging findings from an original nationally representative survey of employers in the United Kingdom. The survey, which is a key research theme of the ESRC funded research centre ‘Digital Future at Work (Digit)’ had been collected in 2022-23 drawing on a representative sample of establishments in the United Kingdom with more than 10 employees. The presentation will cover employer adoption of artificial intelligence enabled technology including AI equipment, software and applications alongside employers’ use of data analytics. Evidence will be presented concerning the reasons for the adoption (and non-adoption) of such technologies and their effect on human resource management practices including the possible effect of digital technology on employment, working hours, employee autonomy, and employee voice.
Dimitra Petrakaki is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: UKAIS talk Danat Velizade, Digit & University of Leeds
Time: May 7, 2024 01:00 PM London
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