Gendered Microaggressions survey
We are carrying out a survey about gender within computing education environments, and invite anyone who has or is studying or teaching IT/computing/ Computer Science within UK higher education institutions to complete a short survey. We’d like to hear about your experience of gendered microaggressions, whether you have personally experienced these or have observed these in your educational setting.
The research is funded by the CPHC (Council of Professors and Heads of Computing) and is being carried out by Aberystwyth University, the Open University and Tectre Ltd.
You can complete the survey in either English or Welsh
At the end of the survey participants have the option of adding their contact details to a separate system. This enables participants to enter a prize draw for a £20 Amazon token, and/or to indicate that they would be willing to participate in 1:1 follow-up interviews.
Many thanks
Clem Herman, Hannah Dee and Gillian Arnold