Expressions of interest to be received by Friday 31 January 2025
Decision to be announced on Friday 14 March 2025
Conference host to be promoted at the 2025 conference
The UKAIS invites expressions of interest to host the annual conference in 2026. The conference brings together scholars working broadly in the area of information systems. It has become increasingly popular year on year and always receives a very positive response from the community. Now in its 27th iteration, we are delighted to be inviting expressions of interest to host the next conference in 2026. More information about the 2022 and 2024 conferences can be found here: and
Outlined below is a draft specification for what hosting the conference would require. If you and your institution would be interested in hosting the conference on this basis, we invite you to submit an expression of interest (EOI). Your EOI should contain information about your institution, your capacity and experience in administering such events, why you want to host it, an estimated conference preparation timeline, what added value you bring (especially why your institution would be an attractive venue to prospective delegates), and how accessible the conference venue is (both in terms of being accessible for those with special needs, but also convenient access to mass transit and transportation hubs). You should also include indicative costs for room hire, daily delegate catering rate, local admin support, delegate packs, and technology costs. The UKAIS Board of Directors will choose the venue for the 2026 conference based on a review of the submitted EOIs.
UKAIS prides itself on providing an affordable conference option. This is reflected in its relatively low registration fee when compared to other conferences. Ensuring the conference remains affordable is a key consideration for the board. To ensure the conference remains affordable, UKAIS has previously provided free registration to a small number of academics from the host institution in exchange for conference rooms. Please do reach out to the President to explore any similar opportunities.
If you are interested in submitting an EOI or if you have questions, please get in touch with the UKAIS President, Oliver Kayas (
Please send your expression of interest to Oliver Kayas (