Call for Nominations for UKAIS Board Vacancies

UKAIS would like to thank all current Board Members for their service and contribution to the Academy and the IS Community in the United Kingdom and beyond.

Nominations are now requested for six new Board membership positions. Among them, two elected Board members will serve as Vice President and as Treasurer.

Elected members of the Board shall hold office for a period of three years and may seek immediate re-election.

Only active members can stand for elections and vote. Elections will take place electronically. Members eligible to vote will be deemed those who have an active membership on the 9th of May 2021. To register for a membership please visit:

By the 9th of May 2021, candidates must submit via email a short biographical statement of no more than 250 words. Statements may include previous UKAIS engagement and potential contributions to the Academy. Candidates must indicate if they want to be considered just as Board members or if they want to be also considered for the Vice President and/or Treasurer roles.

On the 10th of May eligible members will receive instructions as to the voting process. All votes will remain anonymous. Members will be able to vote for a minimum of 1 candidate and a maximum of 3 candidates for the Board. Voters will also be able to rank options by preference for the positions of Vice President and Treasurer, or to abstain from this part of the election. Results will be determined using instant run-off voting. Names on the candidate lists will appear in alphabetical order. The candidates with the most votes will be the elected Board Members. Among them the instant run-off voting system will determine who is elected as Vice President and Treasurer.

Members will be able to vote online from the 10th until the 20th of May. Results will be announced after the 20th of May.

If you have any questions about the elections please do not hesitate to contact us at.

We would like to encourage all members not just to vote in our forthcoming elections, but to be more actively engaged with the Academy by considering for standing for a Board position.