The UK Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS) is excited to share this call for proposals for Teaching Innovation Grants.
The purpose of the Teaching Innovation Grants is to support UKAIS members in the exploration, implementation, and evaluation of new and emerging pedagogies, practices, and technologies. The projects should have a six month duration.
There are two categories for Teaching Innovation Grants:
- Pedagogy and Teaching Practice Innovation: These proposals would focus on emerging pedagogies and teaching practices— they could include everything from a technique for a single class session to formal pedagogical frameworks
- Technology Innovations: These proposals would focus on specific technologies (e.g. software, web or mobile applications) relevant to teaching practice.
This call is open to all UKAIS members who are involved with teaching.
Grants of up to £1000 per proposal are available on a merit based system – ½ of the sum issued upon awarding of the grant and ½ upon completion of the project. UKAIS is anticipating funding two applications (£2000 in total).
Grant holders will be expected to present their report at the UKAIS 2025 conference and contribute to a Teaching and Learning Webinar.
- The proposal should include a clear statement about how the grant will be used. Required proposal materials include a description of the project, the category of your grant proposal (pedagogy or technology), funding amount requested with specific budget requirements, a brief plan for gathering and sharing your results, and a brief statement on how your proposal could advance teaching innovation in the Information Systems field.
- The proposal includes a clear timeline and plan for the proposed activities including milestones and deliverables
- All publications resulting from funded research must provide a recognition citation that the work was funded (at least in part) by UKAIS
Selection Criteria
- The proposal presents a clear description of the project, category, plan and statement on how the project will advance teaching innovation in the IS field.
- The proposal provides benchmarks for progress and specifies at least one clear deliverable.
- No proposal shall be awarded to any project team that includes a member of the Board of UKAIS.
- Should no proposal rise above an acceptable threshold for funding, the committee is not obligated to recommend any projects for that funding cycle.
Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of UKAIS Board Members.
The committee will provide feedback regarding the selection decision.
Submission Date: 31st July 2024
Award Announcement: September 2024
Proposals should be submitted by email to Dr Maria Kutar, UKAIS Board Member for Teaching Innovation Practices:
Please mark email title as: UKAIS Teaching Grant Proposal 2024
Please name you file: [PI last name] UKAIS teaching grant proposal 2024
Proposals should be presented in no more than 5 pages, minimum 11pt font, excluding references.
For more information, please contact us at