UKAIS is delighted to call for applications for the UKAIS 2024/25 Teaching Innovation in IS Award. Share your innovative practice with the UKAIS community, and your work could be recognised by the wider IS community and an award from UKAIS.

Members can submit an application for themselves or their team, which will be reviewed by a panel.

The best submissions will be shared with the community via webinar and the UKAIS website and be recognized with an award at UKAIS 2025

Potential topics include, but are not limited to

•Creative uses of technology to support teaching and learning

•Approaches and pedagogies to drive student interest and success

•Teaching and learning research projects

•Innovative use of teaching techniques in the classroom

•Developments in IS curricula

To view previous winners, please visit our teaching and learning cases library.

The deadline for applications is the 31st of July, 2024. Submissions should be emailed to

Evaluation Criteria

  • deal with an information systems related topic
  • be presented in English
  • include an executive summary and teaching notes
  • be anonymous
  • not be published elsewhere

Case studies and associated material must:

Reviewers will use the following evaluation criteria:

  • Quality & Pedagogic value
  • Teaching Notes
  • Innovation


Cases should be submitted by email to

Members may apply individually or as a team.

Proposals should be presented in no more than 5 pages, minimum 11pt font, excluding references.

Please mark email title as: UKAIS Teaching and Learning Awards and your attached file as: [Submitting author last name] UKAIS teaching award.

  1. Executive Summary – outlining the case’s content and area covered
  2. Case – this is the main case file
  3. Teaching Notes – the supporting to the case notes and data
  4. PowerPoint slides – the slides can be used to present the case in the classroom
  5. Other files – you may optionally submit additional files (e.g. a video)


The deadline for submissions is 31st July 2024.

The winner will receive a certificate and their teaching innovation will be showcased through a UKAIS teaching workshop and publication on the website. Copyright ownership will remain with the author. The executive summary of the winning cases will be posted on our website. The cases themselves will be only available to members.

For more information, please contact Dr Maria Kutar (UKAIS Board Member for Teaching Innovation Practices):