Dinara Davlembayeva, Newcastle University Business School, United Kingdom  

Davit Marikyan, Newcastle University Business School, United Kingdom  

Mengyun Hu, Newcastle University Business School, United Kingdom  

Arturo Vega Pinedo, Newcastle University Business School, United Kingdom  

Track Call

Digital transformation and innovation are continuously reshaping e-commerce. The integration and widespread adoption of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain among others, bring new opportunities and challenges for organisations, consumers, and society at large (e.g., Davlembayeva and Papagiannidis, 2023; Marikyan et al., 2022). In recent years, advancements in digital technology have driven operational efficiency, service personalisation and enhanced performance (Marikyan et al. 2022, Behara et al. 2024). Consumers can enjoy a broader range of services and better experiences (Behara et al. 2024), albeit with increased privacy and security risks (Quach et al. 2022). On a societal level, e-commerce has contributed to economic growth through production and distribution efficiency (Jain et al. 2021) but is has also created ethical issues, such as biases and discrimination, employment displacement, and surveillance (Chawla and Kumar 2022). As digital transformation accelerates, it is important to adopt a multi-perspective approach that would enable us to explore technological advancements underpinning business operations, customer interaction and value delivery, consumer and user psychology when interacting with technology, and the broader implications for organisations and society. Such a comprehensive approach is needed to inform stakeholders about how to leverage technology in the digital age, gain competitive advantage and foster socially responsible and ethical business practices.

Track Areas

In response to the above needs, we encourage multi-faceted research on e-commerce from the perspectives of technology, consumers and organisations. Examples of topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • The role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for generating customer insights, supply chain and performance management.
  • The role of chatbots and virtual assistants in supporting customer service and customer-brand interaction on e-commerce platforms.
  • Emerging trends in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) and their role in enhancing shopping experiences.
  • Voice commerce, social commerce, and livestreaming.
  • Data privacy and cybersecurity and the role of blockchain technology in e-commerce.
  • Opportunities and challenges of new digital technologies in e-commerce.
  • Innovation in e-commerce business models
  • Ethical and sustainable e-commerce practices.
  • The societal, environmental, and economic implications of new technology applied in e-commerce.


Behera, R.K., Bala, P.K. and Ray, A., 2024. Cognitive Chatbot for personalised contextual customer service: Behind the scene and beyond the hype. Information Systems Frontiers26(3), pp.899-919.

Chawla, N. and Kumar, B., 2022. E-commerce and consumer protection in India: the emerging trend. Journal of Business Ethics180(2), pp.581-604.

Davlembayeva, D. & Papagiannidis, S. (2023) Platform-provider relationship dynamics in the sharing economy: Challenges and implications. Industrial Marketing Management, 111, 242-256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.04.010.

Jain, V., Malviya, B.I.N.D.O.O. and Arya, S.A.T.Y.E.N.D.R.A., 2021. An overview of electronic commerce (e-Commerce). Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government27(3), pp.665-670.

Marikyan, D., Papagiannidis, S., Rana, O.F., Ranjan, R. and Morgan, G., 2022. “Alexa, let’s talk about my productivity”: The impact of digital assistants on work productivity. Journal of Business Research, 142, pp.572-584.

Quach, Sara, Park Thaichon, Kelly D. Martin, Scott Weaven, and Robert W. Palmatier. “Digital technologies: Tensions in privacy and data.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 50, no. 6 (2022): 1299-1323.