Chekfoung Tan, University College London, UK

Yu-Chun Pan, Northeastern University London, UK

Najmeh Hafezieh, Royal Holloway University of London, UK

Track Call

Technology has become an integral part of modern human life, impacting the way we live and work since the first industrial revolution. According to Nambisan et al. (2017), digital platforms, social media, data analytics, immersive technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are sources of digital innovation and transformation, continuously reshaping how we live and work. Digital transformation, on the other hand, according to Vial (2021), is a process where digital technologies are employed to deliver strategic value to an organisation while managing the impacts and barriers that the change might bring. Considering digital transformation touches on human and non-human agents and their interdependencies, one can take an ecosystem view where systems thinking and complexity theories provide valuable insights into its interconnected and unpredictable nature. Checkland (2000)’s Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) and the work of Loch et al. (2011) highlight the importance of adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning in managing these complexities. For successful digital innovation and transformation initiatives, project management and leadership play a critical role in ensuring successful implementation. Therefore, this track welcomes research exploring various forms of digital innovations and their implementations, both conceptually and practically, in the context of AI. It also invites papers studying digital transformation from conceptual and methodological perspectives to achieve strategic goals. Submissions should aim to provide insights into the opportunities and challenges of digital innovation and transformation, highlighting best practices, novel approaches, and future directions.

Track Areas

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Digital Innovation
  • Data-Driven Innovation
  • Digital Transformation Conceptualisation and Implementation
  • Complex Digital Ecosystems and Dynamics
  • Automation and Augmentation of work
  • Application of AI technologies
  • Digital Project Management
  • Digital Leadership
  • Socio-technical theories / Systems Thinking
  • Emerging Technology Trends


CHECKLAND, P. 2000. Systems thinking, systems practice: includes a 30-year retrospective. Journal-Operational Research Society, 51, 647-647.

LOCH, C. H., DEMEYER, A. & PICH, M. 2011. Managing the unknown: A new approach to managing high uncertainty and risk in projects, John Wiley & Sons.

NAMBISAN, S., LYYTINEN, K., MAJCHRZAK, A. & SONG, M. 2017. Digital innovation management. MIS quarterly, 41, 223-238.

VIAL, G. 2021. Understanding digital transformation: A review and a research agenda. Managing digital transformation, 13-66.