Our Conference and Doctoral Consortium will feature a number of keynote speakers.
Dr Nisreen Ameen is a Lecturer in Marketing at Royal Holloway, University of London.
Previously she has held academic posts at Queen Mary University of London, Birkbeck University of London and Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge Campus). Nisreen is a Senior Editor for Information Technology and People, an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Consumer Studies and an Editorial Board member of Journal of Business Research-Consumer Behaviour section. [profile]
Prof Emma Bell is Professor of Organisation Studies at the Open University. Prior to joining the Open University in 2017, she was a professor at Keele University for five years. Before that she worked as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Warwick, Queen Mary University of London, University of Bath and Exeter University. Emma is Joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Management Learning, Associate Editor for Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, and serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Learning & Education, Organization, Scandinavian Journal of Management and Human Relations. She is current Co-Vice Chair Research and Publications, British Academy of Management and Past Chair of the Critical Management Studies Division of the Academy of Management. Her early working life included a period as a graduate management trainee in the UK National Health Service. Recently, Emma has been involved in projects that explore craft work and the globalisation of management research. She recently led a project funded by the UK-India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI) entitled ‘Developing Empowering Methodologies in Management Research’. In 2020 she was awarded a Fellowship by the Academy of Social Sciences. [profile]
Prof Michael D Myers is Professor of Information Systems in the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management at the University of Auckland Business School. His papers have been published in many journals, conferences and books, including 30 papers in A* journals as ranked by the Australian Business Deans’ Council. Professor Myers currently serves as Editor of European Journal of Information Systems and Editor of the AISWorld Section on Qualitative Research. He has previously served as a Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly. Information Systems Research, Information & Organization and Pacific Asia Journal of the AIS. He served as President of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) in 2006-2007 and as Chair of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 8.2 from 2006-2008. He also served as Conference Co-Chair of the International Conference on Information Systems in Auckland in 2014 and as Conference Co-Chair of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems in Auckland (2007), Ho Chi Minh (2012) and Yokohama (2018). He is a Fellow and a LEO award winner of the Association for Information Systems. [profile]
Prof Savvas Papagiannidis is the David Goldman Professor of Innovation and Enterprise at Newcastle University Business School. His research interests revolve around electronic business and its various sub-domains and how digital technologies can transform organisations and societies alike. More specifically, his research aims to inform our understanding of how e-business technologies affect the social and business environment, organisational strategies and business models, and how these are implemented in terms of functional innovations (especially in emarketing and ecommerce). His work puts strong emphasis on innovation, new value creation and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities, within the context of different industries. Apart from the impact that the Internet and related technologies can have on businesses, he is also very much interested in the impact such technologies can have on individual users. [profile]
Devinder Singh is a Head of Delivery within NatWest’s Core Banking Domain team, which looks after the systems of record that underpin all of NatWest’s customer journeys. Devinder will be talking about how the team’s experience during the pandemic has taught them a number of things, including how we can engage better with our family, friends, colleagues and wider stakeholders whilst working remotely, how we look to understand changing customer behaviours and continue to look to exceed expectations, and how thinking differently can help deliver value more efficiently to our customers under challenging circumstances. As a result of the Covid pandemic, workplace availability challenges looked to initially constrain our capacity, creativity and productivity. To respond to the bank’s customers’ needs, the Core Banking Domain team had to manage an increased workstack due to multiple technology changes needing to be made to support the bank’s customers through the crisis. How did the team respond to the need to deliver value more quickly? They demonstrated an agile mindset, thought differently, and leveraged Agile & DevOps practices to respond to the challenges. The result was that more value was delivered in a shorter timeframe, despite the challenges thrown by the pandemic, including a 40% improvement in cycle time to deliver value for our customer and an improved service availability of ~ 99.99%.
Professor Ravishankar is a Professor of Globalisation & Technology and Associate Dean (Research) at the School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University. He has published refereed journal articles on globalisation and emerging markets, management of digital technologies, social innovations and global sourcing. He has completed a number of externally funded research and industry-commissioned projects. The UK’s Economic and Social Research Council, UK Home Office, Newton Fund, Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS), British Academy of Management, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission and UK Trade and Industry have funded his recent work. He is currently involved in research projects that explore digital innovations and entrepreneurship and their social and economic impacts. Among his editorial activities and external engagement he is a Senior Editor for Information Systems Journal, an Associate Editor for Information and Management and and Associate Editor for the International Journal of Information Management. [profile]
Dr Konstantina Spanaki is a Lecturer in Information Management at Loughborough University since 2017. Prior to this appointment, she has been a Research Associate at Imperial College London, where she worked on joint EPSRC projects between the Business School and the Department of Computing. Konstantina’s main research areas lie within the intersection of Information Systems (IS) and Operations Management (OM). Recently, she is actively involved in projects related to Data and Information Management, Technology Management, Data Sharing, Cloud Computing and Disruptive Technologies. Konstantina is a member of EurOMA, of BAM, the AIS and the OR Society. [profile]
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